Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I call these as the gifts from heaven!!!

Hola GUYS!!!!

Wow.. it is quite a long time since I start blogging again.. why is that?? cup cup.. it is the biggest secret ever!! I could not tell.. Ok.. now to start off with the new and latest news from my fashion wardrobe.. I present to you guys..

Basically, in this post, I akan showcase the gifts that I get from the most lovely people in my life in this year.. tau tak.. I LOVE THE GIFTS SO MUCH tau.. Terima kasih sgt kepada lovely people ituew.. korang memang bombastic and paling I sayang sekali.. Without U guys my world will be colourless tau..

The first thing is...
It obviously from Coach.. I suke sgt ni U guys... Yg paling meletop org yang kasi I hadiah ni baru berumur 14 tahun.. menariks tu kan?? for the young fashion lover, I nak thank u sgt sgt.. nanti kita gy Sydney sekali.. u belikan I lagi yeak?? I love you...

The second gift is..
It is GUESS BAG.. I love this one, as you know I am so into naked bag at the moment.. Owh.. thank you sgt sgt.. Yg bagi I hadiah ni is the passionate person that I had ever meet.. Thanks sgt..

and the final but not lease is this..
The Clinique 'more than mineral' compact powder.. U tau die belikan I compact powder ni for my performance in 'Round House Theatre' in Kelvin Grove.. sebabnye die nak I nampak flawless for the performance.. And one more thing, die beli this gift waktu this thing is still very new tau.. BABE.. it is so touching.. Thank you my best friend ever.. you mmg classy and sexy forever.. I hope next time you bagi I hadiah lagi K? Thanks sgt sgt..

Ituew la tiga bende yang paling I syg sgt.. and That's the reason why do I call it 'THE GIFTS FROM HEAVEN!!! THANKS GUYS!!!!

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